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Rome Airport Transfers

Move on foot


Move on foot

Whenever you can, walk to the sites. It is the best way to get to know a city like Rome, where any corner can hide a surprise. Most of the important monuments are inside the Aurelian wall, which delimits the center of the city and whose area is quite affordable on foot.

Especially pleasant to walk are the areas that maintain the medieval and Renaissance layout: around Piazza Navona, the Pantheon, Campo de 'Fiori, the Jewish quarter and Trastevere. When you have become familiar with the city a little, spend some time to walk around without a map in these areas, letting yourself be guided by intuition.

It is important to wear comfortable shoes (never freshly bought) and prepare to end the day exhausted. There are even those who train, the days before the trip, with long walks through their city to get to Rome better prepared.

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